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  • Tessa, a mother of 10, stands in front of her ruined house in Haiti holding her daughter in her arms Photo: Fabienne Douce/ActionAid.

    Tessa, a mother of 10, stands in front of her ruined house in Haiti holding her daughter in her arms. Photo: ActionAid

    Haiti earthquake 2021

    Posted 19 May 2021

    ActionAid’s emergency teams responded to a 7.2 magnitude earthquake that struck south-western Haiti on Saturday, 14 August, 2021.

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  • Women leaders from an ActionAid partner organisation in Haiti distribute emergency kits after Hurricane Matthew. Photo: ActionAid

    Hurricane Matthew in Haiti 2016

    Posted 30 March 2017

    Hurricane Matthew in Haiti 2016: how was the country affected and how did ActionAid respond?

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  • Thanks to ActionAid's women-friendly spaces, women are taking a leading role in planning how to rebuild their communities. Photo: ,Jo Harrison/ActionAid

    Why cash transfers are an effective form of aid

    Posted in Blog on 5 January 2017

    Over the last week the criticism of international aid found a new target - the practice of giving money directly to some of the poorest and most vulnerable people, otherwise known as direct cash transfers. The allegation made was that this amounted to setting up UK-funded cashpoints for the poor. Aid money should never be misspent or wasted, but the criticisms of direct cash transfers - giving money directly to people in need - misunderstand the issue. Here's why.

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  • Mona Desir, 47, is a nurse and a member of a network of women leaders in Haiti.


    Posted 8 December 2015

    Find out about Haiti: facts, statistics, earthquakes in Haiti, ActionAid's charity work in the country and how you can donate to support people in Haiti.

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