Wherever they grow up in the world, adolescence can be a tough time for girls.
We know that girls are brave, and resilient. But too often they are undervalued, mistreated and underestimated - just because they're girls.
Some girls never even have the chance to shape their own lives, because they're forced into marriage and childbirth while still children themselves, locked out of education, or subject to violence and abuse.
That's why ActionAid is working to support girls around the world to escape child marriage, fight gender-based violence and get the education that is their right.
Girls are amazing - and they have amazing potential. Please give £7 a month to give girls a hand.
How can my donation help?

ActionAid's work supporting girls' rights
Around the world, adolescent girls are challenging patriarchy and leading change in their communities.
ActionAid's work is designed to support these girls and help them claim their rights, rather than telling them what it is they need. In short, we put women and girls in the driver's seat.
For example, we run trainings and workshops where girls can learn about their rights and campaign for an end to forced marriage.
We fund grassroots Women's Networks that provide domestic violence shelters and legal services for survivors of gender-based violence.
And we support Girls' Clubs, where young girls can get equal access to education.
If you believe every girl deserves to shape her own future, please join us today.
17-year-old Esha took part in a girl-led research project with ActionAid, and attended training where she learned about her rights
Faheba Monir/ActionAid
Page updated 3 February 2025