Support ActionAid’s Arise Fund

Where does the money go?

The climate crisis is a major focus of the Arise Fund.

As the changing climate leads to increases in severe storms, flooding, droughts and other hazards, it is the poorest countries that are worst hit, and it is the women and girls in those countries who are disproportionately affected.

As well as bringing urgently needed medical response in the immediate aftermath of a crisis, the Arise Fund helps train local women as community leaders and set up safe spaces for women to meet, receive information, learn more about specific risks they face like gender-based violence, and access referral services.

How your donation makes a difference

Over the next 10 years, our ambition is to raise £5 million to reach two million people around the world through women’s leadership. We can only meet this goal with the help of generous supporters who share our commitment to gender equality and lasting change.  

ActionAid has a strong track record of emergency response, and we know that our approach works. Since 1974 we have responded to emergencies – from natural disasters and disease outbreaks to conflicts and refugee crises – in over 40 countries. 

And we know that when women rise – when women lead – a better future becomes possible.

How your contribution will help women rise

We can’t achieve the ambitious goals of the Arise Fund alone – we need people who share our vision to join us.


Donation value


could support three Local Disaster Management Committees to set up disaster early warning systems


could set up seven safe spaces for women where they can access supplies, support, learn about rights and receive training


could train 2,460 women to prepare for and respond to future emergencies, including first aid training and procuring relief items

Or choose your own amount to give


Joyce, 43, is a women's forum leader in Vanuatu

Solaye Snider/ActionAid

How women leaders make the difference

Joyce is the leader of a women's forum in Vanuatu, which evolved from ActionAid’s humanitarian response to Cyclone Pam in 2015. 

When the cyclone hit, it left widespread devastation in her community, but women in some villages were excluded from the emergency response.

Sometimes they reject all the women thinking all the women are not enough to do the work,"

Joyce joined the Women I Tok Tok Tugeta women's forum which, supported by ActionAid, enabled women to identify their own needs, lead action plans to addresses those issues, and build solidarity and power with one another.

"If women group together and talk… then all the leaders of the community, specifically all the men, can trust the ladies," she said. "Then they can agree we can have rights to work together with all the men."

Since Joyce became President, she has led the forum in their disaster prepardness work, and in responding to the impact of climate change.

She hopes "that women leaders will emerge from this group to be a role model to the future generation."

Get in touch about the Arise Fund

If you have any questions, need more information or want to discuss making a contribution to the Arise Fund, please fill in your details below, and we'll be in touch. 

Our Privacy Policy will tell you all you need to know about how we handle, store and process your data.

How we use the money you give us

For every £1 we spend:

69p is spent on programme activity, including humanitarian and development work

17p is spent on fundraising

11p is spent on support costs (running the organisation)

3p is spent on campaigning for change

These figures are taken from our expenditure in 2018. We’re committed to keeping our supporters happy and being open and honest about how we fundraise. To find out more you can read our supporter promise.

Find out more about who we are and how we’re funded

Arise Leadership Circle

To support Arise in reaching its goal, we are delighted to be working with the Leadership Circle, a board of senior women volunteers. The Leadership Circle will provide strategic support to drive the growth of Arise over the next ten years. The Leadership Circle are:

  • Chair Joanna Coates
  • Dr Miranda Brawn Esq, Founder, President and CEO of The Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Foundation 
  • Anne Corbin, Chief Customer Officer for Infor International  
  • Samantha Hicks, Head of International Account Management at Spotify  
  • Dr Ruth Holdaway MBE, Chief Executive of St Kilda Mums 
  • Rowena Samarasinhe, Partner at LEVEL and Managing Director of GENSport 
  • Jenny Knott, Non-Executive Director of British Business Bank and Chairwoman of Equiida (Advisor).
Top image: Members of the Chinnaparrakudi’s women’s collective in Kerela, who have rebuilt their community after devastating floods in 2018. Credit: ActionAid. Others: Sheldon Moultrie/ActionAid; Gayatri Ganju/ActionAid; Natalia Jidovanu/ActionAid

Page updated 8 August 2024