Trusts and Foundations

Sabita is trained in climate resilience in Bangladesh.
Mahmud /MAP/ActionAid
How Trusts and Foundations make a difference
Sabita Rani lives in a remote, coastal part of southern Bangladesh, which increasingly experiences dangerous weather, driven by climate change. In 2013, ActionAid trained Sabita to become an emergency response leader. As Cyclone Mahasen approached her village later that year, she led a group of women to get 500 people to safety - saving their lives.
In 2015, Sabita joined ActionAid at the World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Japan. She told global leaders about the damage that climate change is having on communities like hers, the critical role of women in emergencies, and the need to help vulnerable communities adapt to climate change. Sabita says:
Before I was selected by ActionAid to undertake emergency training I felt that I wasn’t respected by my neighbours and by my community. But after I came back from the Summit people in my area appreciated me. Being a leader in disaster response and in disaster risk reduction has changed my life. I am creating change! I am so proud of how far I have come and everything I am able to do now."
Emergency funding
Trusts and Foundations give generously to our emergency appeals every year, allowing us to work directly with women and girls to provide vital support and save lives. Typically, more women than men are killed by rapid onset disasters like tsunamis and earthquakes and violence against women and girls increases during all emergencies. We empower women to lead the responses and ensure their rights are protected.
Trust based investment
Flexible funds are the most strategic and innovative way to support ActionAid. Trusting us to allocate funds to priority areas shifts power, reduces costs and channels funds to urgent and harder to fund priorities, such as pilot projects.
By choosing to make an unrestricted donation you will be joining our small network of flexible funding trusts and the Players of the People’s Postcode Lottery to form an important pillar of our most strategic funding.
Flexible funding helps ensure funds are used to support the priorities of partners, women’s rights organisations and their communities while reducing the pressure on these agile but over stretched actors.
How we work with Trusts and Foundations
We build long-term relationships with trusts and foundations who support our work to achieve lasting change. We will work with you to identify how our work aligns with objectives of your Trust or Foundation and work together to make the biggest difference.
You will be able to see the difference your support is making through regular reports and updates as well as being able to engage with our work in various ways, including attending supporter events with ActionAid staff and partners.
Contact us
If you are trustee of or have a relationship with a trust and would like to find out more about ActionAid’s work or would like to donate to support our work, please get in touch on or fill out the form below.
For funders based in Asia please contact Mayur Devolla on
Our Privacy Policy will tell you all you need to know about how we handle, store and process your data.
Page updated 15 January 2025