ActionAid UK campaigning

General Election 2024

On 4th July, the UK will decide who will form our next Government.  

In our manifesto, we’re calling on the next UK Government to show political courage and take a radically different approach to address the root causes of injustice and build a fairer world.  

This means the next UK Government must: 

  • Become a genuine development and humanitarian partner
  • Champion women’s leadership across overlapping peacebuilding, development and humanitarian settings
  • Build a fair and feminist economy
  • Deliver a just feminist climate transition.

Read the manifesto

Take action: sign our open letter

Since the last election, global injustice has deepened because of multiple challenges, including the cost-of-living crisis, attacks on human rights, the climate emergency and conflict.  

In all of these crises, women and girls are impacted disproportionately. Yet, women and girls are driving change and delivering solutions to the challenges they face. 

Will you sign our open letter, asking the next UK Government to champion the rights of all women and girls?

Sign the open letter

Daniel Jukes/ActionAid

Page updated 29 May 2024